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June 15th - Extension of Provision

Parent Guidelines

Please consider these guidelines  as your child/young person returns to school.

Covid – 19 and Extending School Provision   

June 2020

Our aim over the summer term is to support as many children as possible to have an experience of school before closure on 17th July. During this time, we are only able to offer part-time placements. Your child will have been invited back to school on specific days, or you have chosen to keep them at home for the time being. If your circumstances change and your child needs to return to school please contact the school office or tell your class teacher during your weekly calls.


Guidance for Parents

  • As your child / young person returns to school we ask you to consider the following:

If your child is showing any of the Covid-19 symptoms do not send them into school

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot, for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – this means they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal


If anyone in your household is displaying signs of Covid-19 your child should isolate for 14 days.

You can now have your child tested for Covid-19. If your child tests positive please contact the school urgently.


  • Please do not send personal items into school with your child. This includes soft toys, IPads, mobile phones or other. This reduces the risk of sharing devices and transmission of Covid-19.

Exception: Please send your child in to school with their own water bottle.


  • We recognise that some of our students will find it difficult to maintain social distancing. This will be managed on an individual basis in school. If you or your child have concerns about others in school, please contact us to discuss.


  • If you are dropping your child off at the Woodlands site (Primary), we ask that you wait in your car until a member of staff approaches you to collect your child. At the end of the day, your child will be brought to your car. If you are dropping your child off at the Chamberlain site (Secondary) and your child is able to come into school by themselves please allow them to do this. If your child needs collecting, a member of staff will come to the car.


  • If you are waiting outside the school for your child, please be mindful of social distancing protocols.


  • We ask that students do not wear PPE in school. Advice from Public Health England is that the removal and general reapplying of masks can increase the risk of transmission. Similarly, regular washing of hands is a more effective barrier to transmission than wearing gloves. We will support your child to understand this.


  • Where possible please change your child’s clothes every day. If this is not possible it is acceptable for your child to wear non-school uniform. This will reduce the transmission of Covid-19 on absorbent items.


  • At this time students will only consume snacks brought in from home. If you are not able to provide snacks please contact your class teacher.


  • At this time, we are not allowing any external visitors into school. That includes parents. If you need to speak to Reception, please call and make arrangements.