Main Curriculum
Curriculum Intent
The Main pathway curriculum aims to provide a more formal, subject-based curriculum including access to accredited courses as appropriate to the student. However, whilst the curriculum has a greater focus on academic subject specific knowledge and skills, it is also essential that students continue to develop their personal and social skills. Therefore, learning is also focused on meeting their personalised EHCP targets.
The curriculum will provide a mixture of learning opportunities and experiences that will develop our students’ understanding across a range of subjects, and in particular their literacy and numeracy skills. It will also enable them to grow in self-awareness, confidence and independence, and so increase their skills as communicators and self-advocates. This intent will be supported by increasing engagement in activities beyond the classroom and encounters with community venues, and work and college-related personnel. In this way, students will be better prepared to take the next step in their learning journey, contribute to the wider community and fulfil future aspirations.
Curriculum Rationale
Teachers have worked collaboratively to identify the rationale for each segment of the curriculum. This is the foundations of the learning that we are working towards within the Main Pathway. From here, learning is personalised for individuals.
The Main pathway curriculum is based around six curriculum areas which encompass National Curriculum subject coverage. These areas allow students opportunities to develop their subject specific skills and knowledge, through a range of formal and practical activities. Where possible, students are taught my subject specialists e.g., science, food, art.
Whilst communication skills are a feature across the curriculum, specific attention is given in English lessons, leading to accreditation in KS4 at the appropriate level. Numeracy and scientific skills are developed as part of our Thinking and Learning (KS3)/ Preparing for My Future (KS4) curriculum areas. There is also a growing focus on careers and work-related learning in this area as students move up the school: this will involve encounters with employers and employees both in and outside of school.
Personal, social and independence skills are also developed across all subjects but specifically enhanced in PSHE and Food Technology, whilst our PE curriculum supports our students physical and health wellbeing. Students also experience personal, social and health benefits from their Outdoor Learning curriculum (John Muir KS3, Duke of Edinburgh KS4).
The Outdoor Learning opportunities are part of the Community and Wider World curriculum area. During Outdoor Learning, students participate in community activities, e.g., volunteering. This participation increases as they move from KS3 to KS4. Students will also learn about the Wider World through the study of the humanities.
Creative experiences are primarily delivered through Art, Music and Open Theatre. In KS3, these three subjects are taught on a rota basis so that students experience two terms of each subject.
During the year. In KS4, students have Open Theatre and Music on a rota basis (half-a-year of each) and a weekly Art lesson. The Art curriculum leads to an Arts Award accreditation.
Assessment is informed by quality written Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), the corresponding personal targets. These outcomes are threaded into the curriculum, and video and photographic evidence is captured using Evidence for Learning. We measure progress of each individual target's based on how independent and generalised the target is.
Academic progress maps progress towards the framework bands, using the TEDS Schema (Taught, Emerging, Developing and Secure), and these are assessed and moderated every term. These outcomes and the evidence are shared with the parents via Evidence for Learning, and during termly meetings. As students progress through the school there is greater focus on development of independence and preparation for adulthood skills.
At KS4, students can also gain accreditation as part of their assessment. For instance, in Mathematics and English, students may gain external accreditation at GCSE, Functional Skill or Entry level according to their ability. There is also accreditation, externally or internally assessed, in Science, the Arts, RE, Food Technology, PE and Humanities